Thursday, June 30, 2011

Time for a Rant

Maybe it's because I don't have MATH to hate anymore, that my mind is free to be irritated by other things. On the way to take my math final today I was behind this truck, and his bumper sticker really annoyed me.

When I saw this sticker I had several thoughts... When is this trucker gonna run into the enemy to aid or comfort him???? Very unlikely. What does the enemy have to do with supporting the troops? I mean if my daughter asks me to support her, and I refuse to help the neighbor kid am I supporting my daughter???? NO. ( I know ludicrous right, but sometimes you have to make things absurdly obvious for others to get it). 
Ok, with most people that would be it. Off to take your test and you're done, but NOT me. I'm a bit more neurotic lol. Especially when I see principles or ideals being twisted and abused. It actually irritates the heck out of me. I live in AR. AKA American Bible Belt. My thoughts turned to I wonder if PAM transport has ever read the book of Matthew.. I'd wager the jackoff who thought this sticker was an outstanding idea also has a bible on his bookcase collecting dust. 

 You have heard that it was said, "Love your neighbor and hate your enemy."
But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you (Matthew 5:43-44).

 or how about the "Good Samaritan"  Samaritan doesn't just mean stranger they were "enemies"

Thats when I thought about my psych class and learning about the theory of dissonance (how when you hold two conflicting ideals you'll justify, rationalize etc to feel better about it because your brain knows it doesn't make sense to say one thing and do another) 

Even still we all know that comfort requires compassion and compassion teaches us to love. Love creates friends out of enemies. I mean how on earth can we strive for peace when we sport these kinds of signs on our bumpers that glamorize being a rotten individual???  

Also how is this ANY form of support for our troops?? We have troops coming home damaged, dismembered and diseased. I'm sure your flag embellished bumper stick makes them feel like losing their leg was so worth it. Hey PAM if you truly want to "support" our troops how about sending some $$ to the VA, or care packages to Iraq or any other REAL way of showing support????? 

Never let it be said that I don't follow my convictions or speak up when I see something wrong. I called PAM trucking ((479) 361-9111 feel free to do the same if you agree with me) and asked was this sticker company policy or some random thing the driver did? I was shocked when they said it was company policy!! When I voiced my opinion the lady said "well we have freedom of speech". I told her she was absolutely right!!! freedom of speech was great! and that PAM trucking had the right to say any ignorant thing they wanted to. I told her my problem wasn't with "freedom of speech" or even the sentiment I thought the sticker may be attempting to convey (supporting the troops), but that the way they were choosing to show their support was self glorifying, superficial and ignorant and suggested that if PAM really wanted to support troops that the money used to plaster this sticker on ALL their trucks would have been better spent ACTUALLY supporting troops.

I can't bring myself to put a sticker on my car. I've seen several I like, but to actually stick one on my car would cause dissonance lol. I was scolded as a child for putting stickers on things. I was taught it is wrong to put a sticker somewhere nice that they belong in collection books ONLY. That cognition wont allow me to put any stickers on my car which I love and cherish. But if I was able to do it mine would look something like this:

maybe one day they'll make a window cling :) 

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