Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Pink: a testimony to faith

My favorite color is pink. Over the years, I've gotten used to people teasing or commenting on what they might consider a pink obsession. But did you know that pink is not "real." Apparently,  it does not exist. They say that all colors are just waves of light, so every color we "see" we see with our brains.   

We have invented the color pink. It doesn't really exist we have manifested it in our hearts and heads yet we physically see it, and in my life I see it everyday.  Pink is the evidence of our supernatural perception. Pink is not found in nature but in the cosmos of our minds. Pink is what we "see" to make sense of what we can't. Yet, do you know anyone who would deny it when they see it? Pink is palpable faith.  When you can't see what's there but you know something is. That's what pink is to us. We fill the void with pink. Is it any wonder it's my favorite color? 

“I believe in pink. I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing, kissing a lot. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles.”- Audrey Hepburn 

Thanksgiving: More Than a Holiday.

Presently,  I have a cornucopia of treasures and gifts to be thankful for. To start I have an amazing family. I have a doting husband for whom I can't begin to express my thanks for. I have a daughter who each and every day, despite her teenage angst, makes me beam with pride. I got into the nursing program and have made new friends I hope to have for a lifetime. Everything seems to be coming up roses.

In the Past, I like most might sit back and just bathe in the bliss that is my life. However,  I can't help but think about those who don't have it as well. While I'm grateful and pleased with my own life a part of me feels sadness for those who don't have the same things in life. During the course of my clinical work I have witnessed many things that have touched my heart. I think about how some people will never know what its like to have a family, a life, a career or a even normalcy.

Recently, a 18 yr old boy died from meningitis at my school. I feel sorrow for his family who will be spending thanksgiving grieving their loss or attending a funeral. I thought about him. What were his goals? What was his dream for himself and his future? Was he ambitious? His dreams snuffed out in an instant. It makes me sad. I imagine it will be difficult to find "thanks' in that.

Yesterday, there was news about a 6yr old girl found murdered. The news reported that prior to that they had investigated the family for tying her to a dresser at night. When I heard of her death I couldn't help but cry. I can't imagine a life like that. What was her dream ? To be a ballerina? A movie star? Did she have normal hopes and dreams of a 6 yr old, or was her dream to be saved from the nightmare she lived in? Furthermore, what has the world lost with the loss of the six year old? What could she have become? An advocate for children ? The first female president? Or maybe just a wonderful mother?

Tomorrow,  I will sit and fill my belly with good food and give thanks for all those things which I have, but I will be thinking about all those "gifts" we've lost as well. Each life is a gift. Each day we have on this planet is not only a gift but an opportunity. I want to give thanks, but I feel the need to question why? Why do I have so much while others suffer? The only answer I can find is that; I have so that I may give.

In the future, giving thanks should not just be about counting blessings. In counting our blessings we should be enabled to share them with the world and multiply them. That is how I hope to give thanks in the coming year. I hope to some how make someone's life a little better. I hope to be a blessing found in the cornucopia of Thanksgiving next year. Imagine what the world could be like if giving thanks was more than a sentiment in November, but a verb we practice and live everyday.