The following bumper sticker reads
"That's Right I'm clinging to my Guns and Religion"
This has to be one of the most absurd bumper stickers I have seen. Firstly, I'm reassured that while most love to express their political views on the backside of their automobiles, they rarely get out of them to go vote. This slogan stuck with me in a few ways, but mostly at associating "religion" with "guns".
I'm going to take a leap of "faith" here and say this "religion" being applied is "Christian". I do so based on the demographics of this region. I feel that's a safe assumption.
When I was raised in a Catholic home attending mass 6 out of 7 days a week I never got the memo about Jesus' endorsement of weapons. I endured many a mass growing up and NOT once did I hear about Jesus advocating weapons. So I'm left with a few questions for the driver of this vehicle. How can you cling to a religion that promotes peace and love and to your gun at the same time without feeling some sort of dissonance?
When you think of Jesus is this the image you have?I must have missed mass the day we explored the teachings of christ on guns and ammo. Jesus asks us to turn the other cheek not load another clip into your 9mm. If you want to own a gun go for it but please don't create an association between gun ownership and religion. These two things are incompatible even when Jesus was taken at the garden one of the disciples raised a sword to defend Jesus and Jesus had him lay his sword down.
John 18 10-11
'Then Simon Peter, who had a sword, drew it and struck the high priest's servant, cutting off his right ear. Jesus commanded Peter "Put down your sword!"
It is distressing how often people "cling" to things that they don't understand.